所有在長外國留學(xué)生請注意!Attention All International Students in Changsha!

  長沙警事微信公號   2024-09-12 12:25:59


Study in Changsha: Legal and Safety Tips to Help You Easily Integrate into Local Life


Dear international students, welcome to Changsha! To help you quickly adapt to life in Changsha, the Population and Exit-Entry Administration Division of the Changsha Municipal Public Security Bureau has prepared a detailed legal and safety guide for your time in China, ensuring a safe and worry-free stay.

0 1 出入境管理法解讀 Understanding the Exit-Entry Administration Law


According to the Exit-Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China, students holding an X1 visa must apply for a residence permit within 30 days of arrival in order to legally reside in China.

簽證與居留許可: X1簽證是為在中國長期學(xué)習(xí)的學(xué)生簽發(fā)的。在抵達中國后,你需在學(xué)校負(fù)責(zé)老師的陪同下,前往長沙市公安局人口與出入境管理大廳申請居留許可。確保按時申請和續(xù)簽居留許可,避免因滯留問題影響學(xué)習(xí)。

Visa and Residence Permit: The X1 visa is issued to students for long-term study in China. Upon arrival, you must visit the Population and Exit-Entry Administration Hall with a school official to apply for a residence permit. Ensure timely application and renewal to avoid overstaying, as this could negatively affect your studies.

居住登記: 如果你選擇住在校外,務(wù)必在抵達后的24小時內(nèi)到當(dāng)?shù)毓矙C關(guān)登記居住信息。對于住在酒店的留學(xué)生,酒店會代為辦理,但你需確認(rèn)登記信息無誤。

Residence Registration: If you choose to live off-campus, you must register your residence with the local police station within 24 hours of arrival. For students living in hotels, the hotel will handle this, but you must ensure the registration details are correct.

校外實習(xí): 根據(jù)法律規(guī)定,來華留學(xué)生必須申請許可后才能進行校外實習(xí)。未經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)的工作行為將違反學(xué)習(xí)簽證的規(guī)定,可能導(dǎo)致居留許可被取消或面臨罰款等處罰。

Off-campus Internships: According to Chinese law, international students in China must apply for permission before engaging in off-campus internships. Unauthorized work will violate visa conditions and may result in the cancellation of your residence permit or fines.

法律責(zé)任: 違反出入境管理法的行為包括超期居留、非法工作、未及時辦理居住登記等,將面臨高額罰款、拘留,甚至遣送出境的處罰。

Legal Liability: Violations such as overstaying, illegal work, or failure to register residence on time can result in substantial fines, detention, or deportation.

02 交通安全提示 Traffic Safety Tips


Changsha's transportation system is advanced, and following traffic rules is essential to ensuring your safety:

右側(cè)通行: 中國實行右側(cè)通行,機動車和非機動車的行駛規(guī)則均如此。騎電動車等非機動車的留學(xué)生,必須確保車輛經(jīng)過注冊登記,才能合法上路。

Right-hand Traffic: China follows a right-hand traffic system for motor and non-motor vehicles. Students riding electric bikes or other non-motor vehicles must ensure their vehicles have been registered to legally operate on the roads.

合法交通工具: 為了確保出行安全,建議你使用合法出租車或公共交通工具。乘坐出租車時,務(wù)必在機場、車站等指定地點上車,以避免乘坐非法運營車輛。

Legal Transportation: To ensure safe travel, use licensed taxis or public transportation. When taking taxis, make sure to board at designated spots at the airport or station to avoid unlicensed vehicles.

公共交通文化 搭乘公交車請從前門上車、后門下車;在地鐵內(nèi)避免大聲喧嘩和飲食。這些細(xì)節(jié)有助于你更好地融入長沙的生活環(huán)境。

Public Transport Etiquette: Board buses through the front door and exit through the rear; avoid loud conversations or eating on the subway. These details help you integrate better into local life in Changsha.

03 防范電信詐騙 Preventing Telecom Fraud


Telecom fraud is on the rise globally, and international students are especially vulnerable in unfamiliar environments. Remain vigilant:

保護個人信息: 不要輕易透露個人信息,如護照號碼、銀行賬號和居住地址。謹(jǐn)防不明電話或短信,尤其是聲稱來自“公安局”或“銀行”的陌生來電。

Protect Your Personal Information: Don’t share personal details like your passport number, bank account, or address easily. Be cautious of suspicious calls or texts, especially those claiming to be from the police or bank.

防止詐騙: 如遇到可疑信息或要求提供個人資料的電話和郵件,請先通過官方渠道核實真?zhèn)?。如果收到陌生人要求轉(zhuǎn)賬或提供密碼的請求,請立即聯(lián)系長沙公安或?qū)で髮W(xué)校幫助。

Avoid Fraud: If you receive suspicious calls or emails requesting personal information, verify their authenticity through official channels. For requests for money transfers or passwords, contact Changsha police or seek help from your school.

04 禁毒政策 Anti-Drug Policy


Changsha police maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs. Possession, use, or trafficking of drugs will face severe criminal penalties:

毒品的嚴(yán)厲處罰: 任何形式的毒品活動,包括持有、使用或分發(fā)毒品,都將面臨嚴(yán)重法律后果,如監(jiān)禁、罰款,甚至驅(qū)逐出境。遠(yuǎn)離毒品是保障你在華安全的關(guān)鍵。

Strict Punishments for Drug Crimes: Any involvement with drugs, including possession, use, or distribution, will result in serious legal consequences like imprisonment, fines, or even deportation. Avoiding drugs is essential to ensuring your safety in China.

保持警惕: 社交活動中,務(wù)必謹(jǐn)慎,避免接觸任何毒品相關(guān)的行為或人員。長沙公安時刻致力于維護社會治安,確保留學(xué)生的安全。

Stay Alert: Be cautious during social activities and avoid associating with drug-related behavior or people. Changsha police are dedicated to maintaining public safety and ensuring the security of international students.

05 生活安全小貼士 Everyday Safety Tips


In Changsha, everyday safety is just as important:

食品與飲水安全: 選擇衛(wèi)生條件良好的餐館或食堂就餐,避免在無資質(zhì)的攤販處購買食品。特別是在炎熱的夏季,請注意食物和飲水安全,避免食物變質(zhì)帶來的健康問題。

Food and Water Safety: Choose restaurants or cafeterias with good hygiene conditions, and avoid buying food from unlicensed street vendors. Especially during the hot summer months, pay attention to food and water safety to avoid health problems caused by spoiled food.

健康作息與運動安全: 保持健康的生活作息,避免熬夜和過度勞累。進行體育鍛煉時,做好充分的熱身,選擇適當(dāng)?shù)陌踩胧?,避免運動損傷。

Healthy Routine and Exercise Safety: Maintain a healthy routine, avoiding late nights and exhaustion. Warm up properly before exercising and take appropriate safety precautions to prevent injuries.

06 緊急求助與報警 Emergency Help and Reporting


In Changsha, if you encounter any emergency, you can call 110 for assistance. When reporting, clearly describe the location, time, people involved, and nature of the incident. If you are unfamiliar with your surroundings, you can provide nearby landmarks to help the police locate you.


The Population and Exit-Entry Administration Division of Changsha Public Security Bureau will always be available to assist you, ensuring your safety during your stay in Changsha.


We hope these legal and safety tips will help you better integrate into life in Changsha. Wishing you a pleasant and fulfilling experience during your stay!


Changsha Municipal Public Security Bureau, Population and Exit-Entry Administration Division





