
  湖南日報(bào)·新湖南客戶端   2024-09-14 15:04:40

湖南日報(bào)·新湖南客戶端9月14日訊(記者 馮宇軒 通訊員 趙凱娜)9月13日,中國-非洲國家農(nóng)業(yè)合作及農(nóng)產(chǎn)品貿(mào)易交流會在湖南湘江新區(qū)成功舉行。湖南省農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村廳二級巡視員王新建、湖南湘江新區(qū)(長沙高新區(qū))黨工委委員、副主任王瑋、湖南省商務(wù)廳中非秘書處處長鄭垚、商務(wù)部國際官員研修學(xué)院副處長梁潔靜、長沙市商務(wù)局四級調(diào)研員伍智峰、中非民間商會執(zhí)行會長王曉勇出席會議。會議伊始,中非民間商會執(zhí)行會長王曉勇作歡迎詞并簡要介紹了中非民間商會的基本情況,中非民間商會自成立以來,一直致力力于搭建中非經(jīng)貿(mào)合作的橋梁,站在新的歷史起點(diǎn)上,商會也將在論壇精神的引領(lǐng)下,一以貫之秉持“真、實(shí)、親、誠 ”的中非合作理念,穩(wěn)步落實(shí)峰會成果。

On September 13, the China-Africa Agricultural Cooperation and Agricultural Product Trade Exchange Meeting was successfully held in Hunan's Xiangjiang New Area. Attendees included Wang Xinjian, Level 2 Inspector of the Hunan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs; Wang Wei, Member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of Hunan Xiangjiang New Area (Changsha High-tech Zone); Zheng Yao, Director of the China-Africa Secretariat of the Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce; Liang Jiejing, Deputy Director of the Academy for International Business Officials of the Ministry of Commerce; Wu Zhifeng, Level 4 Researcher of the Changsha Municipal Bureau of Commerce; and Wang Xiaoyong, Executive President of the China-Africa Chamber of Commerce. At the start of the meeting, Wang Xiaoyong, Executive President of the China-Africa Chamber of Commerce, delivered a welcome speech and briefly introduced the chamber’s background. Since its establishment, the chamber has been committed to building a bridge for China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. Standing at a new historical starting point, the chamber will continue to uphold the principles of "sincerity, real results, affinity, and good faith" in China-Africa cooperation and steadily implement the outcomes of the summit, guided by the spirit of the forum.

湖南湘江新區(qū) (長沙高新區(qū))黨工委委員、管委會副主任王瑋詳細(xì)介紹了新區(qū)的基本情況,他指出, 新區(qū)已形成工程機(jī)械、新材料、電子信息 3大千億級產(chǎn)業(yè)集群。新區(qū)與非洲在資源條件、經(jīng)濟(jì)結(jié)構(gòu)等方面具有很強(qiáng)的適配性和互補(bǔ)性。他表示,真誠期待通過此次交流,與非方互搭平臺與橋梁,共助在農(nóng)業(yè)、經(jīng)貿(mào)、文旅、科教、環(huán)保等多領(lǐng)域結(jié)出更豐碩的成果,迎來更長遠(yuǎn)的發(fā)展。

Wang Wei, Member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of Hunan Xiangjiang New Area (Changsha High-tech Zone), provided a detailed introduction of the New Area’s key aspects. He noted that the area has already developed three industrial clusters, each valued at over 100 billion yuan: construction machinery, new materials, and electronic information. He emphasized that the New Area and Africa share strong compatibility and complementarity in terms of resource conditions and economic structure. Wang expressed his sincere hope that, through this exchange, both sides could build platforms and bridges to jointly promote more fruitful outcomes in various fields, including agriculture, trade, culture and tourism, science and education, and environmental protection, paving the way for longer-term development.

南省農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村廳二級巡視員王新建 指出,湖南雜交水稻技術(shù)在國際上處于領(lǐng)先地位,為全球糧食安全貢獻(xiàn)了湖南智慧和方案。中非開展農(nóng)業(yè)合作,對于促進(jìn)雙方經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展、改善民生福祉具有重要意義。

Wang Xinjian, Level 2 Inspector of the Hunan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, pointed out that Hunan’s hybrid rice technology is internationally leading and has contributed Hunan's wisdom and solutions to global food security. He emphasized that China-Africa agricultural cooperation holds significant importance for promoting economic development on both sides and improving the well-being of their people.

商務(wù)部國際官員研修學(xué)院副處長梁潔靜表示,商務(wù)部國際商務(wù)官員研修學(xué)院作為全國援外培訓(xùn)總基地,迄今已為 175個國家和國際組織培訓(xùn)了50萬余名政府官員,將持續(xù)為中國與廣大發(fā)展中國家做好交流互鑒的平臺、增進(jìn)友誼的橋梁角色。

Liang Jiejing, Deputy Director of the Academy for International Business Officials of the Ministry of Commerce, stated that as the national base for foreign aid training, the academy has trained over 500,000 government officials from 175 countries and international organizations. She emphasized that the academy will continue to serve as a platform for exchange and mutual learning between China and a wide range of developing countries, playing a key role in strengthening friendships.

長沙市商務(wù)局四級調(diào)研員伍智峰指出,長沙有著中非經(jīng)貿(mào)博覽會和中非經(jīng)貿(mào)深度合作先行區(qū)疊加的戰(zhàn)略優(yōu)勢,非洲在農(nóng)業(yè)、旅游、能源礦產(chǎn)方面有著諸多優(yōu)勢,他表示,長沙目前正處于 “一帶一路”發(fā)展黃金期,誠邀各位參加明年的中非經(jīng)貿(mào)博覽會,希望各位非洲朋友們能喜歡長沙,愛上長沙,留在長沙。

Wu Zhifeng, Level 4 Researcher of the Changsha Municipal Bureau of Commerce, highlighted that Changsha holds a strategic advantage with the overlapping of the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo and the China-Africa Economic and Trade Deep Cooperation Pilot Zone. He pointed out that Africa has numerous strengths in agriculture, tourism, and energy resources. Wu mentioned that Changsha is currently in a golden period of development under the Belt and Road Initiative and extended a sincere invitation to everyone to participate in next year’s China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo. He expressed his hope that African friends will come to appreciate, fall in love with, and stay in Changsha.


During the keynote speech session, key representatives from leading China-Africa cooperation enterprises, including Zoomlion Agricultural Machinery Marketing Company, China Geo-Engineering Corporation Overseas Agricultural Development Company, and Zhejiang Xinan Group, made presentations and shared their extensive experience in African cooperation. Additionally, Zoomlion and the China-Africa Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base signed cooperation agreements with partners from Senegal, Kenya, Tanzania, and Mali during the event.

在分組對接環(huán)節(jié),來自貝寧、喀麥隆、馬達(dá)加斯加、塞內(nèi)加爾、布基納法索、布隆迪 6國近30位政府代表以國別分組的方式與來自湖南,山東,遼寧、江蘇、北京等100余位中方企業(yè)家面對面交流討論,充分體現(xiàn)了交流會的宗旨,現(xiàn)場交流氣氛熱烈。也相信通過此次交流會,將進(jìn)一步促進(jìn)與非洲國家在農(nóng)業(yè)等領(lǐng)域的合作。

In the group matchmaking session, nearly 30 government representatives from six countries—Benin, Cameroon, Madagascar, Senegal, Burkina Faso, and Burundi—engaged in face-to-face discussions with over 100 Chinese entrepreneurs from Hunan, Shandong, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Beijing, and other regions. These discussions were organized by country groups, fully reflecting the purpose of the exchange meeting. The atmosphere was lively, and it is believed that this exchange will further promote cooperation with African countries in agriculture and other fields.

本次活動由商務(wù)部國際商務(wù)官員研修學(xué)院、湖南省商務(wù)廳、湖南省農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村廳、湖南湘江新區(qū)管理委員會支持,中非民間商會、長沙市商務(wù)局、湖南湘江新區(qū)商務(wù)和市場監(jiān)督管理局主辦,中聯(lián)重科股份有限公司、湖南湘江新區(qū)(長沙高新區(qū))對外科技交流中心、中非民間商會長沙辦事處、中非青年創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)基地承辦,湘企出海 +綜合服務(wù)平臺“長株潭專區(qū)”長沙營運(yùn)中心協(xié)辦。

This event was supported by the Academy for International Business Officials of the Ministry of Commerce, the Hunan Provincial Department of Commerce, the Hunan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Administrative Committee of Hunan Xiangjiang New Area. It was organized by the China-Africa Chamber of Commerce, the Changsha Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and the Business and Market Supervision Bureau of Hunan Xiangjiang New Area. The event was co-hosted by Zoomlion, the Foreign Technology Exchange Center of Hunan Xiangjiang New Area (Changsha High-tech Zone), the Changsha Office of the China-Africa Chamber of Commerce, and the China-Africa Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base, with assistance from the "Chang-Zhu-Tan Special Zone" Changsha Operations Center of the Xiangqi Going Global+ Comprehensive Service Platform.





